Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Hero is Born
By: Jarred Fasulo
English 9
Period 5
"Alexander you don't talk to your father like that." said Alex's mother.
"I'm sorry he just doesn't listen like he doesn't care." said Alex.
"None of you guys care or listen to me I HATE YOU GUYS!!" said Alex.
Alex's parents storm out of the house and get into the car and drive off. Five hours passand Alex has not heard from his parents. Alex turns on the TV and the news is on.
"Breaking news a couple has been hit and knocked off a cliff by a drunk driver." said the reporter.
"My parents are's all my falut" Alex starts crying.
Four mouths later after Alex's parents deaths. Alex is on his way to school but the town sirens go off and he rushed to a bomb shelter. Alex gets out of the bomb shelter and Alex sees the whole city is destroyed. Alex sees that there are soldiers are walking up and down the street of New York. Alex runs up to a soldier and asked what happened. The soldier said that the city was hit by russian missles. Alex feels bad and wants to help and ask the soldier if he can help in any way. The soldier says Alex can help by joining the army and if he dose he needs to go to the military base. Alex arives at the base and Alex ask the general what he can do.
"You need to train before you can can a solider." said the general.
Alex trains for six weeks.
Alex is finished with his trianig, the general tells Alex to scout out a location where russian soldiers have been spotted to see what they are palining to do. Alex heads to location where the russians have been spoted. Alex arrives at the location and aproches the base without being seen. Alex makes his way into the base and goes into a room where the russian leader is talking about a plan to do the the U.S. base. The was that they are going to send food trucks full of explosives and blow up the U.S. base. Alex hears of this and runs out of the room and buliding.
While Alex is running out of the buliding he is spotted by russian patorlers. The russains try to take him prisoner but Alex gets away and they chase him through the woods and Alex see a river and jumps into it to get away. When Alex jumped into the water he hit his head on a rock and blacks out. Alex wakes up and he is in the middle of forest and he doesn't know where he is. But Alex remembers something his father told him which was that moss grows on the north side of trees and Alex needs to go north to tell the general what the russains are planning. While Alex is making his way north the russains are setting up the trucks. Alex finds a road and remembers the russain leader talks about the trucks are gonna drive down that road to get to the U.S. base. Alex decides to stay on the side of the road and set up a trap for the truck and send a S.O.S. to the U.S. base and ask for help to drive the trucks back to the russain base and blow thire base up.
Renforcements have arrived and are waiting for the other trucks to come so they can highjack the trucks. "The trucks are coming get into passion." said Alex. The soliders shoot the drivers of the trucks while someone else stops the trucks. "Now we can make our way the russian base." said Alex. "were almost to the russain base when we are closer arm the bombs and jump out of the trucks." said Alex. "Yes sir." said the U.S. soliders. Everyone jumps out of the trucks and the trucks crash into the base and "KA-BOOM!!" Alex returns the army base. Alex is given a purple heart for his bravery and his smart plan. "Son if it wasn't for yuo we would have lost this war." said the general. The russians have lost the war and left and the city is being rebulit. Alex returns home to finish school and when he is done with school he will go back to the army.